So then all you need to do is go to the Spore.

So if you want to paint all your window frames red, instead of clicking on each one. This guide was made specifically to help you improve your spore creations I gathered all the data i could find on all the ingame shortcuts, including the basic hotkeys. The Spore Creature Creator is one small part of the full game of Spore, due out on 5th September. a creature creator tip and then they would explain how they did it so somebody else could replicate it. Shift+Ctrl+LMB- Assigns the selected texture from the palette to all similar regions on all the parts.(In Paint Mode of Building and Vehicle Editor Only) Useful for quickly painting a multi block model. Shift+LMB- Assigns the selected texture from the palette to the entire block you are clicking on, instead of one region at a time.
Shift+LMB- Paint all regions (In Paint Mode) Ctrl+LMB- Paint like blocks using current region (In Paint Mode) Spore - Creatures Creator - Game demo - Download Demo version of Spore, a(n) simulation game, Creatures Creator, for PCs and laptops with Windows systems.Free and legal download.Hold CTRL+LMB on a rigblock- Move selected rigblock vertically (In Parts Mode of Building Editor Only) Hold Shift+LMB on a rigblock- Move selected rigblock horizontally (In Parts Mode of Building Editor Only).Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Useful for matching colors across textures. I want my money back if this cant be fixed. Alt+LMB- Over a region of a block eyedroppers only the assigned colors from the model, leaving you with the texture you had selected.Hold Shift+LMB Move- Move all vehicle blocks (In Parts Mode of Vehicle Editor Only).In it you will be able to combine elements to give life to your creature and thus start. Hold CTRL+LMB Click- Break Apart Limbs (In Parts Mode) Spore Creature Creator is a graphic editor to create your Spore race.Delete, Backspace- Delete Rigblock (In Parts Mode).Creating a new being is as easy as adding different body parts from a lateral menu.