The sequel, Little Nightmares II was annouced at 2019 Gamescom and is slat to be released on February 11 2021. The Puzzle adventure Prequel game for iOS devices called Very Little Nightmares was announced in April 2019 and was released in May 2019.

Additionally, comic book adaptation has been released that May greatly expand the world of Little Nightmares. The first chapter, Depths, was released on July 6, with the second chapter, Hideaway, on November 10 and the third and final chapter, Residence, released on February 23, 2018. The three part DLC title Secrets of Maw stars Runaway Kid, boy in a blue shirt and ankle shackle also trying to escape from Maw around same time as Six. A girl, using her wits alone, must survive awful things on her way, and aid Nomes as she makes her way through various rooms. Alongside her are small, friendly, mushroom-like creatures called Nomes that seem to hide from various Monstrous Humanoids, ranging from Janitor and Twin Chefs who are respectively tasked with capturing and cooking children, to gluttonous guests of vessels who seem rather intent on devouring her and who knows what else, and Lady, supreme leader of Maw who run operation.

Of course, she is not only inhabitant of this dark building. Game star Very small barefoot girl in a yellow raincoat named Six, who travels through a strange, unnerving, dark, and massive structure that is hidden below waves of ocean and filled with a variety of different rooms of various shapes and purpose. Nintendo Switch port was released on May 18 2018, and it included DLC released earlier. It was released on PS4, Xbox One and Steam on April 28 2017. Misfortune thinks this will finally make her mother love her.Little Nightmares is a strange, dark, and haunting Horror Puzzle Platformer, developed by Tarsier Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment.

Voice, by extension, IS aware of us, but clearly isn't omniscient - he doesn't know about the dolls Misfortune keeps finding, nor does he see or hear anything amiss in the climax at Benjamin's cabin. Voice" exists somewhere outside of her world, but knows nothing beyond that, and is not aware of the player's existence. Misfortune seems to have Medium Awareness to a certain extent - she knows that "Mr.This would lead to Fridge Logic on the fact that her mother should have noticed Misfortune when she said she was going out to play, since Misfortune is shown to have died when she crossed the street, but given how Morgo is able to "reset" the game to the opening in the finale, it's possible Misfortune already died and had been brought back to the opening prior to the start of the game. Notice how none of the other characters really notice or interact with Misfortune? It's because she's dead.